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Contaminated Products Insurance

Innovative risk solutions and services for product recall exposures.

Why Choose AIG for Contaminated Products Insurance?

If a company produces, distributes or is in the business of food and beverages retail, the risk of product contamination is ever-present. When it occurs, the cost of recall and replacement can be a financial burden, and the public may lose confidence in the brand.

AIG offers innovative crisis management solutions enabling our customers to confidently pursue their operations, assured that product recall strategies are in place, plans are tested, and potential financial losses are appropriately covered.

The AIG Advantage

AIG Contaminated Products Insurance Solutions

Contaminated Products Insurance is designed for manufacturers, producers, suppliers and retailers of foods, cosmetics, or consumer goods. Our coverage goes well beyond meeting the conventional recall charge, and can be tailored to the unique needs of the business.

Covered perils include:

  • Accidental contamination
  • Governmental recall
  • Malicious product tampering
  • Product extortion

Covered Losses may include:

  • Recall costs
  • Consultant costs
  • Replacement costs
  • Destruction costs
  • Redistribution costs
  • Rehabilitation costs
  • Business interruption

When you buy insurance from AIG, you can have confidence that we stand ready to help you recover quickly when the unexpected happens. The claims operation that underpins every AIG policy is one of our greatest strengths, with a strong local claims team backed by our global network of expertise to support you when you face a loss.

For claims associated with Contaminated Products Insurance, please reach out to your insurance broker to assist you. You may also contact us at:

Phone: +63 2 8 878 5456


Find below to learn about the necessary documents needed in order to submit a claim. 

The Insured must:

  • Give immediate notice to the Company with full particulars which includes copies of Incident report, summons/complaint and other pertinent documents;
  • Act as prudently uninsured and take all steps within its power to minimize the loss or damage;
  • In all instances, never admit nor repudiate liability, negotiate or make any admission, offer promises or payment in connection with any incident or accident or claim without the written prior consent of the Company.
  • Cooperate with the authorized representative of the Company in the conduct of investigation.
  • Allow the Company to have complete control in the conduct of negotiation and settlement of any claim.
  • Refer all letters and communications to the Company without either admitting liability or attempting to repudiate.

Point to consider:

  • Contaminated Products Insurance is triggered by the actual contamination of the products.